Using HQ as an admin

Manage your organization with Admin/Owner specific settings.

Owners and admins have access to organization wide settings which include “Users,” “Customization,” and “Integrations” pages. 

Table of Contents: 

Note: Features marked with a ⭐ require an upgrade from the Essential Package. Review our packages here.


How to to access settings:

  • Navigate to “Settings” located on the far left menu bar
  • Here you can view the “Users,” “Customization,” and “Integrations” pages. 


In the “Users” page you can view all users in your organization, manage roles and permissions, and export a CSV of users. Role options include owner, admins, or members.

⭐ Users CSV export is only available to Premier customers. 

Owners and admins have access to:

  • Invite new users and manage user roles and permissions
  • All series, editions, and templates in your organization
  • Add and edit org style guide
  • Set default brand colors
  • Connect your organization to Microsoft Teams or Slack
  • Manage org-level audience

Members have access to: 

  • Series that they’re specifically invited to 
  • Create a series (with owner/admin permission)
  • Invite other users to the organization (with owner/admin permission)
  • Access directory sync (with owner/admin permission)
  • Manage org-level audience (with owner/admin permission)

Go deeper: Visit our roles and permissions article for more information.

How to change user's role: 

  • Find the user via search bar or scroll
  • Navigate to the “Role” column 
  • Use the drop down to change role

How to change member permissions: 

  • Find the user via search or scroll 
  • Click into the user profile to view their profile
  • Toggle on/off the desired member permissions

How to set default permissions: 

  • New users are automatically added with default permissions.
  • To manage default permissions, navigate to "Settings" > "Users" > "Default Permissions"
  • Toggle appropriate permissions on/off

⭐ How to export a CSV of users: 

You can export a list of users in your organization. CSV includes users' name, email, date added, last login date, role, and which series they are part of. 

  • Navigate to "Settings" > "Users" 
  • Click the "Manage users" button on the top right corner 
  • Select "Export CSV" ✅

How to change writer/sender permissions for a specific series: 

Access Sender Writer
Access and edit all editions in series
View and manage series collaborators
View and manage series audience
View and manage series settings  
Send any edition in series  
Grant or remove send permissions  
Toggle Edition Rundown recipients  
Adjust link access  
* One-Offs do not have Sender / Writer permissions: if a user is able to create a One-Off, they will have the ability to send a One-Off.
  • Find the user via search bar or scroll
  • Click into the user profile to view all their series
  • Navigate to the “Send permissions” column 
  • Use drop down to change permissions 
  • To remove a user from a series completely, select the trashcan icon.


In the “Customization” page you can set default brand colors for all series in your organization and set up style guide rules to keep your communications on brand. Org members can override default brand colors in their series settings. 

⭐ Note: Secondary and background colors requires an upgrade from the Essential Package. Review our packages here.

Go deeper: Rules added to your style guide will appear in the Smart Brevity suggestions in the editor. Visit our Style Guide article for more information.

Integrations page

⭐ In the “Integrations” page you can connect HQ to Microsoft Teams, Slack, and SharePoint. Simply hit “Connect” for your desired integration to get started. 

All series page

Admins and owners can view all series in their organization. Navigate to “All series” located on the secondary menu panel to the right of the “Plus sign” icon.

Pro-tip: If you do not see the “All series” button the secondary panel may be collapsed. To expand, navigate to the arrow in the bottom left corner. 

Org-level audience page

Org-level audience and segment management allows you to centralize and streamline the handling of recipients across all series. Admins/owners and authorized members can add and update segments, manage access permissions, and bulk edit recipients. 

Go deeper: Visit our Org-level audience management article for more information. 


How many admins can an organization have?

There is no limit to the amount of admins you can have. 

What’s the difference between an owner and an admin?

The only difference between an owner and an admin is that only an owner can grant or remove the owner role. Each organization must have at least one owner. 

How do I become an admin? 

Please reach out to a current owner or admin for your organization to request admin access. 

Have any questions or want to upgrade your package?

Have feedback? 

  • Submit feedback directly to our Product team here