How to improve your series performance

Tips and tricks for increasing engagement with your series


Be consistent. If you’re sending a weekly edition, send it on the same day and time each week.

  • Your readers want to know what to expect – and when.
  • We recommend sending at least six editions before trying to make any big changes.

Utilize HQ’s subject line score. Subject lines are the first step to a recipient deciding whether or not to open an email. “Series Title: teaser 1, teaser 2” is a great format, because it gives your readers an indicator of this edition’s content while keeping it connected to your broader series.

Mention your series in other channels:

  • Have managers mention it to teams,
  • Post about it on Slack or Microsoft Teams,
  • After sending, download your edition as a PDF and share it on your organization’s intranet.

Survey your audience for feedback. HQ gives you the option of including a feedback block at the bottom of your edition, which can be toggled in your Settings.


Recipients who respond with a thumbs up or thumbs down are then given the option of including a comment with their feedback. Use their responses to inform the next edition of your series!


Looking to gauge how your audience feels about a specific topic? You can incorporate polls in your series to get a pulse on what your readers are thinking.



You can add a poll by selecting the bar graph icon in the toolbar at the top of the Editor. A window will appear, prompting you to write your question and up to 5 options for your audience to choose from.

Potential poll use cases include (but are not limited to):

  • Trivia games – ask a question a reveal the answers in future editions of your series
  • Surveys, including multiple polls to gather the most popular choices
  • Logistical planning (e.g. What time works best for this meeting?)
  • Guess the employee – have everyone guess a fun fact about a colleague
  • Fun questions (e.g. What’s your favorite snack?)