Audience Management Frequently Asked Questions

Additional FAQs on how to manage your audience list

If I schedule a series to send and then update its audience, will the edition send to the updated audience?

Yes, your edition will go out to its audience list at the time of sending.

How can I send the same edition to different audiences?

There are three ways you can send your edition to multiple audiences:

  • You can use segments to send editions of your series to multiple groups within your audience list.
  • If you’d like to send your edition to completely separate groups, you can duplicate an edition into another series you have access to. In either the Drafts or Sent tab in your Workspace homepage, find the edition you’d like to duplicate, then click the three dots on the edition and select the “Duplicate” button from the drop-down menu.
  • After sending an edition, you can navigate to the “Sent” tab and use the three dots on the sent edition to select “Resend” to resend the edition to additional recipients beyond your original audience. This will not add these new recipients to your audience list.

If a person exists in one or more segments in a series, will they just receive one email?

Our system will de-dupe emails if they are in multiple segments. The only way the recipient would receive an email twice is if their email is part of a distribution email and their regular email is also in the audience. For example, if was in the audience and you added and Jane Doe's email was also part of they would receive it twice. 

Is there a subscribe feature?

Yes. You can enable a sign-up page for your series on the “General” tab of your series settings. You can copy the generated link into the next edition of your series or share it on another platform to invite new readers to subscribe.

  • New recipients will be added to the Audience page, denoted by a ✉️ icon under the Source column.
  • Signed up recipients can be removed the same way as any other audience member: by clicking on the three dots on the right and selecting “Delete.”

Is there an unsubscribe feature?

Yes. You can enable an unsubscribe link on the “General” tab of your series settings. This link will be placed at the bottom of your editions and will allow your audience members to unsubscribe from future communications. This unsubscribe feature is series specific, and will not remove the recipient from all of your other series. 

One of my audience members accidentally unsubscribed from my series. Can I resubscribe them?

Please reach out to We have the ability to resubscribe audience members to a series, but will need a copy of their written consent to do so.

Can I see what emails bounced?

Yes, you can see what emails bounced by downloading your analytics report. Navigate to your "Sent" tab and then click "View report" for the edition you would like to view. Select the "Download full report" button in the top right corner. We recommend removing these bounces from your audience list before your next send. Note: Emails can bounce multiple times before it ultimately fails or gets delivered. The bounce number doesn't equal failed delivery. Viewing your analytics report can help you determine which emails completely failed and the reason it failed.