Introducing Axios HQ

Write clear, consistent updates

1big thing image

Axios HQ teaches our smartbrief format. Our templates suggest effective update structures, and dynamic tooltips offer advice for more engaging headlines, hierarchy, styling — you name it.

Eliminate distractions

Axios HQ newsletters

Your teams should only see information truly worth their time — so there's no limit on the number of Axios HQ emails and audiences you can create. Split them up however you need so busy folks stay focused.


Directory sync helps keep all your send lists current.

Streamline your workflow

Collaborate HQ

Teammates can join Axios HQ anytime to speed up the writing, sign-off and send process — you have unlimited invites. 

  • Imagine writing a staff update while someone tweaks the subject line and another copy edits.

Axios HQ tracks it all to show each of you, in real time, the others' contributions.

Add striking visuals

Striking Visuals

Images have a huge impact on how engaging and scannable your updates are. In Axios HQ, you get access to millions:

  • 4,000 Axios illustrations 
  • 2 million high-quality stock photos
  • 1 library for your own, internal uploads 

😎 And if you'd like, try our emoji keyboard for a little flair. 

Optimize engagement 

Analytics Features-2

Axios HQ tracks data on two levels: edition-wide analytics and reader-by-reader engagement. 


Top-line open and click rates show readership over time, but individual metrics help you connect with readers in a deeper way — understanding who is highly engaged and who could use a check-in.

Scale Axios HQ across your company

Scale HQ

Executive briefings, department updates and project-level news all have a place in Axios HQ. 

  • As colleagues launch their own updates, Axios HQ's "Organization" view will help you manage who can access each.

Company-wide, you'll start to see more consistent communications in a clean, digestible format.

What we're hearing

"The format is slick and easily digestible for our team. Instead of sending ad hoc emails or Slacks through the week, we consolidate everything in HQ to highlight the most essential updates employees need to do their job effectively.”

Brendan Sullivan
Founder & President, Headfirst

"At the start of the pandemic, we needed a turn-key solution to share crucial information and promote a sense of community. The Smart Brevity newsletter has provided us with key insights to alter our internal communications approach."

Lisa Kimmel
Chair & CEO, Edelman Canada
“I never knew writing a newsletter could be so much fun or have such a quick impact! With an increasingly distributed team, HQ allows everyone to stay informed, inspired and connected to our mission."

Ellen Patterson