Share the Axios HQ Playbook with your team

Get new users started, faster in Axios HQ

We created the Axios HQ Playbook to empower your colleagues to get up and running in the platform, faster and easier than ever.

Axios HQ Playbook

What it is: Think of it as a quick-start guide to using Axios HQ — teaching new users your organization’s best practices.

  • From "What is Axios HQ?" and "Why does it work?" to "How does our organization use it?" the Axios HQ Playbook is designed to answer any new user's top questions around using the platform.

Why it matters: We know you want to be thoughtful about how to roll out HQ to other teams. This resource is a fill-in-the-blank template that helps you quickly add org-specific details to get colleagues excited about working in Axios HQ.

How to use it: Visit this link and download a version that you can edit.

  • Browse the document and replace the red text with your specific information. This could include your style-guide selections, your library of company series, any custom do's and don'ts you want colleagues to follow, and other important guidelines. 
  • Once updated, share with your colleagues! You can either share as a slide deck or convert to PDF so that it is not editable. 

Looking for more ways to get your teammates using HQ like a pro? Have them join our monthly Getting Started event. It’s a great next step to get your new folks even more prepared to build their first HQ update.