Using assistant to streamline your communication

Explore assistant’s core capabilities

Assistant is an AI driven feature that supports writers and editors while in the Axios HQ editor. Assistant can help you apply the Smart Brevity style to your writers’ drafts, compose your drafts in the Smart Brevity style, brainstorm topics for your next edition and offer topic templates to guide your writers. 

💡Assistant took our various AI features (Smart Brevify, Tone Variation, Translate, and Brainstorm) and combined them into one interactive feature that allows you to achieve a finished product instead of individual solutions. The assistant also helps you take your communication strategy to the next level by connecting to your communication data and generating insights for your next edition.

Core capabilities include:

    • Generate a Smart Brevity card: Craft a card on any topic using starter text, topic suggestions, or paste content from other communication. 
    • Create an edition outline:  Analyze long starter text, like a meeting transcription, or expand on an idea to generate a smart outline to create one or more cards.
    • Write a card template: Search any topic and generate card recommendations in Smart Brevity format, including placeholder text.
    • Explore content and generate insights for your next edition: Explore cards from your content archive, including past sends, or identify key follow-up opportunities.
  • Generate subject line: Provide three captivating subject line suggestions based on the text in your edition. 
  • Upload docs: Quickly convert long PDFs and documents into concise Smart Brevity cards, analyze, and answer questions about long documents.
  • Write an intro card: Quickly generate an intro card for your edition.
  • Tune for your audience: Fine-tune your card for your specific audience. 

Document upload capabilities include:

  • The upload functionality that can be leveraged by Generate a Smart Brevity card, Create an edition outline, and Write a card template.
  • Assistant can analyze and answer questions about uploaded documents
  • Assistant supports .pdf and .docx type documents that are less than 10 MB.
  • Up to 3 documents can be uploaded at once.

Pro Tip: Talk to the assistant just as you would talk to a colleague. Ask for ideas, make edits, and refine until your content is ideal. Then, simply click to add it to your communication.


Need more information on how it works? You can find the assistant’s “Getting Started Guide” and “Best Practices” documents here or navigate to them within the assistant! Navigate to the 3-dot menu in the top left of the assistant. 

Assistant-preview (1)


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